Sunday, March 22, 2009


- 30 second 3D animation about a kitty.
- The animation is going to tell a little story about a kitty running for food every day for 8 days. For the first 5 days the kitty sees porridge in his bowl. For the next two days the bowl is empty, and on the 8th day the kitty gets porridge again:

- OOOOOOOOoooh! Porridge!
- OOh! Porridge!
- Oh! Porridge!
- Porridge!
- Hmmm..... Porridge..
- ..empty..
- ..empty...
- OOOOOOoooooooooohhhh! Porridge!

So basically the animation will display the kitty's happiness and enthusiasm on the first day, and then the animation will show the enthuasiams and happiness fading away, until the kitty gets unhappy and angry on the days then the bowl is empty. And then on the last (8th) day the kitty will be even more happier as on the first day to see the porridge for his food.

The animation will basically show facial expressions of the kitty, as well as the kitty running, and days fading away as to indicate another start of another day..

- 30 second animation
- 30 frames per second
- 30 second audio
- TrueSpace/Poser will be used
- Adobe Premiere and Photoshop as well will be used